Ancient cities in jordan
Ancient cities in jordan

It is thought to have been built around 312BC and was rediscovered in modern times by a Swiss explorer in 1812, who uncovered Petra beneath ancient layers of sand, hence the nickname, Lost City. Located in Wadi Musa, Jordan, Petra is the famous rose-sandstone city, carved into the dusty mountains and has stood in all its majesty since the time of the Nabataeans, a civilization of ancient Arabic peoples. Zaphon was a city given to Israel's tribe of Gad as an inheritance in the Promised Land (Joshua 13:27).Considered to be one of the top ‘see before you die’, another travel bucket list destinations such as Iguazu Falls, Petra is shrouded in mystery, legend, and admiration for this fantastic architectural feat. Gideon punishes the two towns for refusing to help their brethren after he crushes the remaining Midianites (Judges 8). Both cities, however, refuse his request for aid. Once on the eastern side of the river he asks Succoth and Penuel for assistance. Gideon and his army of 300 men pursued the Midianites across the Jordan River. Israel, led by Joshua, camped in Shittim (also called Abel-Shittim, Numbers 33:49) immediately before crossing the Jordan River and entering the western section of their inheritance (Numbers 25:1, Joshua 2:1, 3:1). He was thoroughly routed, however, with his land confiscated and given to some of the tribes of Israel (Joshua 12:4 - 6). He launched an attack on Moses and the Israelites when they came close to his kingdom. Salcah was one of the major cities controlled by Og, king of Bashan. It is also the location where Elisha the prophet anointed Jehu the king of Israel (1Kings 22:29 - 36, 2Kings 9:1 - 6). King Ahab died in battle near the city (1Kings 22). Ramoth-gilead was one of Israel's cities of refuge (Joshua 20:7, Deuteronomy 4:41 - 43). Rabbah, which ultimately became the modern Jordanian capital of Amman, was on the King's Highway. Penuel, years later, was destroyed by Gideon, along with the city of Succoth, for their refusal to help him (Genesis 32:24 - 30, Judges 8). Jacob, at Penuel, wrestled all night with a man who was a pre-incarnate manifestation of Jesus Christ (Genesis 32:24 - 31). It was on the major north-south trading and military route called the King's Highway (Genesis 32:2, Joshua 13:26, 30, 21:38). Karkor is where Gideon's army crushed the remnants of the Midianite army (Judges 8:10). Jazer was designated a Levitical city (Numbers 32:1 - 3, Joshua 13:25, 21:39). It was in this city of Israel where all the inhabitants were killed, except 400 virgins, in order to provide wives for Benjamite men (Judges 21). It was located on the major north-south route, east of the Jordan River, called the King's Highway. Golan was designated both a Levitical city and a place of refuge (Joshua 21:27). The Gadarenes was the place where Jesus confronted a man whose possession by demons gave him superhuman strength (Mark 5:3 - 5, Luke 8:27). It was part of an area called the Decapolis. The city of Gadara and its surrounding area are referred to as the Gadarenes. Bezer was designated a Levitical city as well as one of Israel's six refuge cities (Deuteronomy 4:43, Joshua 20:8, 21:36).Įdrei was on a major north-south trading route known as the King's Highway.

Ancient cities in jordan